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Fired Workers Reapply for Teaching Jobs in Rhode Island

Posted on May 12, 2010

The 93 teachers, staff, and administrators fired from Central Falls School District are reapplying for their lost teaching jobs in Rhode Island, according to Examiner.com. In February 2010, the Central Falls Superintendent of Schools, Frances Gallo, came forward with a solution when the teacher’s union rejected her conditions on reforming the city’s failing high school: fire all […]

University Cuts Teaching Jobs in Rhode Island

Posted on March 25, 2010

Brown University is cutting 60 Rhode Island teaching jobs by June to help close a $30 million projected budget gap for the next fiscal year after endowment losses. But the jobs are non-faculty related. Brown’s roughly 3,000 non-faculty staff members were informed of the job cuts in an e-mail sent Monday. The individuals who will lose […]

Rhode Island Teaching Jobs Expanding

Posted on September 4, 2008

Rhode Island teaching jobs are expected to grow faster than the statewide average for all jobs. In July 2008, Rhode Island‘s education and health services industry employed 99,900 people, an increase of .4 percent from last year, according to the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. An increase of 55,000 Rhode Island […]

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