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Consumers Need to Question Before Hiring for Labor Jobs in Rhode Island

Posted on October 27, 2010

An insulation company is issuing a caution to consumers to consider a variety of questions before hiring for labor jobs in Rhode Island. Moonworks, a home improvement company based in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, wants all New England homeowners to save money this winter by insulating their homes.  If it is installed by December 31, 2010, […]

Company Discusses Insulation Jobs in Rhode Island

Posted on October 16, 2010

Insulation jobs in Rhode Island are quite a hot topic now that winter is almost upon us. Moonworks, a home improvement company based in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, wants all New England homeowners to save money this winter by insulating their homes. If it is installed by December 31, 2010, your purchase can qualify for the […]

Electric Boat to Create Electrician Jobs in Rhode Island

Posted on May 27, 2010

According to the Associated Press, Electric Boat has announced it will create almost 500 jobs, many of which will be electrician jobs in Rhode Island. Officials with submarine maker Electric Boat say the company will add 450 jobs at its Rhode Island facility over the next five years, and spend more than $55 million on […]

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