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Alexion Pharma hiring for biotechnology jobs in Rhode Island

Posted on May 21, 2011

Alexion Pharmaceuticals has announced a big expansion in Providence and will be hiring for biotechnology jobs in Rhode Island. The drug maker is creating office space and additional laboratories that will house research and other jobs in Smithfield. Projo.com writes: The company is creating the kinds of jobs the state is trying to attract as […]

Pharmacy Jobs in Rhode Island Cut with GeoPharma

Posted on January 15, 2009

Some pharmacy jobs in Rhode Island will soon be eliminated. GeoPharma Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, recently announced that it plans to cut jobs, consolidate distribution operations and lower SG&A. The company is hoping these moves will help restructuring efforts and improve financial performance, according to an article by RTTNews. Aside from GeoPharma closing a facility […]

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