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Entertainment jobs in Rhode Island decline

Posted on January 7, 2019

Several entertainment jobs in Rhode Island were recently eliminated, according to labor statistics. The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment ratefor November 2018 was 3.8 percent, unchanged from the October rate. Over the year, the unemployment rate is down seven-tenths of a percentage point from the November 2017 rate of 4.5 percent. In November, the number of Rhode Island-based jobs […]

New rail station may create transportation jobs in Rhode Island

Posted on December 2, 2018

City officials and the Department of Transportation are busy creating more transportation jobs in Rhode Island with the new Pawtucket-Central Falls Commuter Rail Station and Bus Hub. The new intermodal transit center will allow riders to switch modes easily between commuter rail and RIPTA’s statewide bus network. When complete, the commuter rail stop will join […]

Food services jobs in Rhode Island grow

Posted on December 2, 2018

A number of food services jobs in Rhode Island have grown, according to recent labor statistics. The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment ratefor October 2018 was 3.8 percent, down one-tenth of a percentage point from the September rate of 3.9 percent. Over the year, the unemployment rate is down seven-tenths of a percentage point from the October 2017 rate […]

Construction jobs in Rhode Island increase

Posted on December 2, 2018

A number of construction jobs in Rhode Island have increased, according to recent labor statistics. In October, the number of Rhode Island-based jobs totaled 503,100, an increase of 500 jobs from the revised September job count of 502,600. Rhode Island has added 1,000 jobs over the past two months and has 6,300 more nonfarm jobs […]

Program to boost Rhode Island jobs

Posted on November 5, 2018

A new program will help bolster Rhode Island jobs. Rhode Island Treasurer magazine and Rhode Island’s business and veteran communities announced a new incentive to support small business loans to veteran-owned businesses through the state’s BankLOCAL program. “Small businesses are the backbone of Rhode Island’s economy, but too many entrepreneurs have a hard time getting […]

Rail station creates Rhode Island transportation jobs

Posted on November 5, 2018

The completion of a new rail station will bring more Rhode Island transportation jobs. Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) Director Peter Alviti and Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) Chief Executive Officer Scott Avedisian joined other federal, state and local officials to celebrate the groundbreaking for the new Pawtucket-Central Falls Commuter Rail Station and […]

Manufacturing jobs in Rhode Island grow

Posted on November 5, 2018

The number of manufacturing jobs in Rhode Island are climbing, according to recent labor statistics. The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for September 2018 was 3.9 percent, down one-tenth of a percentage point from the August rate of 4.0 percent. Over the year, the unemployment rate is down six-tenths of a percentage point from the September 2017 rate of […]

Company creates product design jobs in Rhode Island

Posted on October 3, 2018

One company is busy creating more product design jobs in Rhode Island. Collette will expand and create 75+ new permanent full-time jobs in Rhode Island. Collette is one of more than 25 companies to expand in or move to Rhode Island with help from Governor Raimondo’s innovative economic development incentives. To date, the Qualified Jobs […]

Company creates more manufacturing jobs in Rhode Island

Posted on October 3, 2018

One company is expanding and creating more manufacturing jobs in Rhode Island. Rubius Therapeutics are building a new pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in Smithfield. Once completed, the 135,000-square-foot facility will support 160 new, high-skilled jobs in manufacturing, biotech operations and other support functions. Rubius plans to invest up to $155 million over about five years to renovate […]

Healthcare jobs in Rhode Island are lost

Posted on October 1, 2018

Several hundred healthcare jobs in Rhode Island were lost, according to recent labor statistics. The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for August 2018 was 4.0 percent, down one-tenth of a percentage point from the July rate of 4.1 percent. Over the year, the unemployment rate is down four-tenths of a percentage point from the August 2017 rate […]

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