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Challenge bolsters more entrepreneur jobs in Rhode Island

Posted on March 5, 2019

A new challenge is connecting high schoolers with entrepreneur jobs in Rhode Island.

Rhode Island’s second annual Lt. Governor’s Entrepreneurship Challenge, a business pitch competition that encourages high school students to compete for $10,000 in post-secondary scholarships, has launched.

Last year, over 55 students from 18 schools across Rhode Island participated in the Challenge and 10 student finalists received a share of $9,000 in scholarships. The Lt. Governor’s Entrepreneurship Challenge is the only statewide business pitch competition designed specifically for high school students.

Rhode Island students in grades 9-12 can enter the 2019 Challenge by submitting written business plans to the Lt. Governor’s Office by Thursday, April 11, 2019. The top five students or student teams will advance to a live business pitch competition at the New England Institute of Technology in May 2019 where a panel of judges will award scholarships based on pitch scores. Students can apply and find detailed guidelines for the Challenge at www.rilgec.com.

The Challenge is sponsored by the Credit Unions of Rhode Island, the local branch of the Cooperative Credit Union Association. Millennial Rhode Island, a local network of young professionals, is the program partner and fiscal agent for the Challenge.

“It all starts with a single idea—that is the motto of the Lt. Governor’s Entrepreneurship Challenge. We want to encourage young people in our state to be bold and think big when it comes to business. This year, we hope to reach more entrepreneurial-minded students and make it clear: We want and need their talent here in Rhode Island,” said Lt. Governor McKee. “I am grateful to the Credit Unions of Rhode Island for believing in the value of this program and sponsoring our scholarships. We are also fortunate to have the unwavering support of our partners at Millennial Rhode Island.”

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