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Companies to hire military for Rhode Island jobs

Posted on July 8, 2012

Bradley-Morris, a military-focused recruiting firm, is holding several conferences to help place military personnel in Rhode Island jobs and other cities across the United States.

They have scheduled dates for ConferenceHire events designed to place military people in civilian jobs.

The conferences help employers to recruit military to fill key positions, add bench strength and address diversity goals.

When attending these events companies will have the opportunity to interview, recruit, and engage JMOs (Junior Military Officers), technicians and diversity candidates with military backgrounds for positions in Management / Engineering, Technician / Supervision / Field Service and Consulting / Sales / Business Development.

These candidates can be placed in positions such as leadership and middle management; project engineering; project management; sales and business development; consulting; government sector; production engineering / supervision; manufacturing engineering / management; operations and logistics engineering / supervision; electrical, mechanical and maintenance technicians; and field service technicians.

“Despite uneven economic news, the attention to and interest in hiring military as a business necessity has remained high,” said Sandra (Sandy) Morris, CEO. “Our White House co-sponsored Joining Forces events are helping to shine a spotlight on this talent pool, and we anticipate motivated employers who seek to recruit military will take advantage of our ConferenceHire schedule throughout the summer and into the fall.”

The dates listed include:

7/09 Providence
7/16 Las Vegas
7/23 Austin
7/23 San Diego
7/30 Atlanta

8/06 Norfolk
8/27 Atlanta
8/27 Chicago

9/10 Norfolk
9/17 Las Vegas
9/17 San Diego
9/24 Atlanta
9/24 Austin

Mystic River Press
Sun Chronicle
Johnston Sunrise
Cranston Herald
Sakonnet Times
Portsmouth Times
The Express