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Construction jobs in Rhode Island increase

Posted on December 2, 2018

A number of construction jobs in Rhode Island have increased, according to recent labor statistics.

In October, the number of Rhode Island-based jobs totaled 503,100, an increase of 500 jobs from the revised September job count of 502,600. Rhode Island has added 1,000 jobs over the past two months and has 6,300 more nonfarm jobs than a year ago.

The Other Services and Retail Trade sectors added 500 and 400 jobs, respectively, in October. The employment level in Other Services now stands at 24,600, an all-time high. Over the year, Other Services employment is up 1,500. The Retail Trade sector has added 900 jobs over the past three months and is up 500 jobs from October 2017.

Employment in the Construction sector increased by 300 from September, boosting its employment level to 19,400, the highest employment level since October 2008 (19,700). Over the year, Construction sector employment is up 1,100.

The Accommodation & Food Services and Wholesale Trade sectors each added 200 jobs in October. The number of jobs in the Accommodation & Food Services sector is up 1,400 from a year ago, while Wholesale Trade jobs are down 300 from a year ago.

The number of jobs in both the Information and Government sectors grew by 100 in October. Information employment is up 100 from October 2017, while Government employment is down 300 from October 2017.

After posting job gains of 500 and 400 in August and September, respectively, the Professional & Business Services sector reported a loss of 600 jobs in October. The number of jobs in Professional & Business Services is up 300 from a year ago.

Employment in the Manufacturing sector fell by 300 in October, impacted by the closure of a packaging facility in Pawtucket which employed nearly 200 workers. Manufacturing employment is up 800 over the year.

Smaller job losses in October were noted in the Arts, Entertainment & Recreation (-200), Health Care & Social Assistance       (-100) and Transportation & Utilities (-100) sectors. The Transportation & Utilities sector was impacted by a school bus strike in Providence. The number of jobs in the Health Care & Social Assistance sector is up 500 from a year ago, while the number of jobs in Arts, Entertainment & Recreation (-200) and Transportation & Utilities (-100) is down from a year ago.

Mystic River Press
Sun Chronicle
Johnston Sunrise
Cranston Herald
Sakonnet Times
Portsmouth Times
The Express