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Education jobs in Rhode Island grow

Posted on July 31, 2017

The number of education jobs in Long Island has grown, according to recent labor statistics.

 The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment ratesfor June 2017 was 4.2 percent, up one-tenth of a percentage point from the May rate. Over the year, the unemployment rate is down one and two-tenths percentage points from the June 2016 rate of 5.4 percent.

The U.S. unemployment rate was 4.4 percent in June 2017, up one-tenth of a percentage point from the previous month and down half of a percentage point over the year.

The number of unemployed RI residents—those residents classified as available for and actively seeking employment—was 23,300, up 400 from the May figure of 22,900. Over the year, the number of unemployed dropped by 6,800.

The number of employed RI residents was 533,300, up 400 from the May figure of 532,900. Over the year, the number of employed RI residents was up 10,700 from June 2016.

The RI labor force totaled 556,500 in June 2017, up 700 from May 2017 and up 3,800 from June 2016.

Estimated nonfarm payroll in Rhode Island totaled 496,600 in June, reflecting a gain of 200 jobs from the revised May estimate of 496,400. Job growth has averaged 900 per month halfway through this year, well above the average monthly gain of 200 jobs per month experienced halfway through 2016. Overall, the number of jobs in Rhode Island is up 6,700 from a year ago.

The Educational Services sector added 800 jobs in June and has added 1,100 jobs over the year. The Other Services sector reported the second highest job gain in June, reporting an increase of 500 jobs from May. Employment in the Other Services is up 500 from a year ago.

A gain of 300 jobs was reported in the Transportation & Utilities sector. The number of jobs within this sector is up 300 from June 2016.

The Construction sector continues to trend upward, adding 200 jobs in June. The Construction sector has added 1,700 jobs since the start of the year, an average gain of 300 jobs per month. Over the year, Construction employment is up 2,400.

Mystic River Press
Sun Chronicle
Johnston Sunrise
Cranston Herald
Sakonnet Times
Portsmouth Times
The Express