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Job Program Has Not Created Any Rhode Island Jobs

Posted on May 16, 2010

A $10 million federally job program that was intended to boost the Providence economy has not created any Rhode Island jobs to date (click here).

The program was unveiled three months ago by Providence Mayor David Cicilline.

Jobs Now is reportedly still under review by the Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families.

The program aims to produce 500 jobs in Providence.

Officials say they will pressure Washington to speed up the approval process.

When the program was unveiled three months ago, they were told though the program was temporary, the goal was to give residents the experience and skills needed to continue working in this economy.

Teresa Collins said being unemployed, is taking its toll.

“I was going everyday, you know, going on the computer, trying to find jobs. There was nothing there,” said Collins.

But there will be more out there, said the mayor. The city will use $10 million dollars in stimulus funds to help local companies hire people who are currently unemployed.

Mayor Cicilline made the announcement Monday at Capco, a local steel fabricator hoping to hire 100 new workers this year.

Michael Caparco, Capco CEO said, “We have work right now that we can put people to work. We plan on doing that.”

Federal dollars will pay wages for up to 500 workers approved through the program, until September.

“My expectation is that many of these employees will stay on after this initiative ends or they will at least be in a better position to compete in the marketplace for jobs so I think it’s a win for the companies it’s a win for the employees,” said Mayor Cicilline.

To get a job you must be a resident of the city with at least one minor child and proof that you’re able to work.


Mystic River Press
Sun Chronicle
Johnston Sunrise
Cranston Herald
Sakonnet Times
Portsmouth Times
The Express