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Rhode Island Careers Get Help from Stimulus

Posted on March 31, 2009

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will result in funding for training for those with Rhode Island careers.

Gov. Donald L. Carcieri recently announced that $17.2 million in stimulus funding will go toward workforce training and employment grants.

The funding will include $7.9 million to help laid-off workers find employment or job training; $5.6 million to help youths prepare for and connect to the workforce; $2.1 million to help long-term unemployed citizens re-enter the workforce and $1.5 million to offer re-employment services and netWORKri one-stop career services for all residents of Rhode Island.

“The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is a bridge to a stronger economy. The foundation of a good economy starts with its people,” Carcieri said in a press release. “It is critical for our workforce to be trained in the jobs of the new economy. Workforce training provides people with the skills they need to be successful.”

The Department of Labor and Training, as well as the state and local workforce investment boards estimate that 3,500 adult and dislocated workers and 2,000 youths ages 14 to 24 will receive assistance through Workforce Investment Act funding, while another 4,000 Rhode Islanders will receive assistance through Wagner-Peyser funding.

“The Department of Labor and Training and its workforce partners are collaborating with the state’s high-growth industries and educational institutions so that the ARRA investments we make in Rhode Island workers are strategic investments with sustainable outcomes,” Sandra M. Powell, director of Labor and Training, said in the press release.

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