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Rhode Island jobs for veterans get a boost

Posted on September 25, 2011

Bradley-Morris has announced a series of events designed to help companies hire veterans for Rhode Island jobs.

The largest military-focused recruiting firm in the U.S., announced fourth quarter dates for their ConferenceHire events. The military hiring events are for employers who need to make the most of their year-end recruiting budgets. At these events, Fortune 1000 companies interview JMOs (Junior Military Officers), technicians and diversity candidates with military backgrounds for positions in Management / Engineering, Technician / Supervision / Field Service and Consulting / Sales / Business Development.

The ConferenceHire events will take place on the following dates:

10/10 Providence, RI
10/17 San Diego, CA
10/24 Atlanta, GA
10/24 Austin, TX


11/07 Norfolk, VA
11/21 Chicago, IL


12/05 Atlanta, GA
12/05 San Diego, CA
12/12 Norfolk, VA

The events will also help boost Chicago jobs.

“Employers are closing out their recruiting budgets by targeting a healthy percentage toward military-experienced talent,” said Sandra (Sandy) Morris, CEO. “BMI clients are already hiring job seekers who don’t leave the military until early 2012, and companies recruiting in Q4 will secure the top job seekers ahead of their competitors.”

In addition to ConferenceHire military hiring events, Bradley-Morris, Inc. offers these solutions to hire military candidates, including services for companies seeking Senior Military Officers for executive leadership positions:

TargetHire®, contingency recruitment accelerated by BMI’s patent-pending military-to-civilian matching technology.
PowerHire®, BMI’s volume hiring solution.
Government, Contract and Employment Services (GCES), dedicated resources focusing on government / defense hiring needs, contract employment and outsourced recruiting / employment services.

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