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Would people do just about anything for Rhode Island jobs?

Posted on June 4, 2014

A recent survey from Monster shows the lengths people will go to interview for Rhode Island jobs, among other locations.

The survey found that 44% of respondents consider telling their boss they have a medical appointment to be the best excuse to leave work for a job interview. Another health related excuse, illness, was the second most popular choice at 15%.

French respondents are the most likely to create faux doctor’s appointments when sneaking out for interviews, with 54% answering that they believe it is the best excuse; conversely, French respondents are the least likely to fake an illness to excuse an interview related absence, with only 7% selecting it as the best option.

Respondents in the US were the biggest proponents of the call in sick method, with 16% choosing illness as their preferred excuse.

Monster asked “If you had to pick one, which is the best excuse to leave work for a job interview?” and received over 3,000 responses. International findings included:

  • 44% of respondents answered “Medical (Doctor/Dentist) appointment”
  • 15% of respondents answered “Illness”
  • 8% of respondents answered “Delivery/repairman”
  • 12% of respondents answered “Childcare”
  • 21% of respondents answered “Other”
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