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Would workers at Rhode Island jobs go to bosses about unfair pay?

Posted on April 20, 2014

If workers at Long Island jobs or other jobs across the nation were concerned they weren’t being paid fairly, would they go to their bosses? A new survey from Monster says that yes, they would.

The majority of respondents are likely to go straight to their boss if they found out they were being paid unfairly. 41% of respondents claim that they would approach their boss about their salary and demand a raise; and an additional 36% said that they would additionally start looking for a new job.

“What would you do if you found out you were being paid unfairly?” and received over 7,800 responses. The international findings include:

  • 36% of respondents answered “Talk to my boss and start looking for a new job”
  • 41% of respondents answered “Talk to my boss and demand a raise”
  • 15% of respondents answered “I wouldn’t talk to my boss but would start looking for a new job”
  • 8% of respondents answered “I would complain to friends and family but wouldn’t do anything else”

Workers in France and the United States are most likely to demand a raise (with 49% and 46% answering so, respectively). Workers in Asia and India are most likely to not take action, with the highest rates of answering (11% and 13%) that they would only complain but not take action. Only 2% of US respondents would start looking for a new job without speaking to their boss, while Germans (26%) and Canadians (27%) are the most likely to start a job search without consulting their boss first.

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