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Temporary help jobs in RI may have changed

Posted on June 7, 2016

Recent labor statistics posit that temporary help  jobs in Rhode Island may have grown. Employment in temporary help services was little changed over the month (-21,000) but is down by 64,000 thus far this year. Employment in other major industries, including construction, wholesale trade, retail trade, transportation and warehousing, financial activities, leisure and hospitality, and […]

Rhode Island home health care jobs may be growing

Posted on June 7, 2016

The number of Rhode Island home health care jobs may be growing, according to a recent study by Careerbuilder. CareerBuilder just released a list of fast-growing industries with ample job prospects over the next five years. The U.S. is projected to create roughly 7.2 million jobs from 2016 to 2021 – a 4.6 percent increase; […]

Overtime rules and Rhode Island admin jobs

Posted on June 1, 2016

New overtime rules enacted by the Department of Labor are helping everyone to focus on Rhode Island admin jobs, among others. The new changes  double the salary threshold for “white collar” exemptions from the current minimum of $455 per week, or $23,660 a year, to $913 per week, or $47,476 annually. The updated rules also […]

Are working moms earning less than working dads for Rhode Island jobs?

Posted on May 9, 2016

A new study from Careerbuilder shows that working moms may be earning less than working dads for Rhode Island jobs, among other locations. At least two in five working moms and working dads are the sole breadwinners for their households, yet working dads are almost three times as likely to earn $50,000 or more and […]

Manufacturing jobs in Rhode Island grow

Posted on May 3, 2016

The number of manufacturing jobs in Rhode Island are climbing, according to recent employment statistics. Employment in Rhode Island totaled 490,900 in March, reflecting a gain of 2,700 jobs from the February estimate of 488,200. Through the first quarter of 2016, a total of 2,400 jobs were added to the local economy. In comparison, jobs were […]

Retail jobs in Rhode Island grow

Posted on May 3, 2016

The number of retail jobs in Rhode Island are climbing, according to a recent statistics. Employment in Rhode Island totaled 488,200 in February, reflecting a gain of 300 jobs from the January estimate of 487,900. Over the past three months, Rhode Island has averaged a gain of 300 jobs. Over the year, employment is up […]

Incentives create Rhode Island construction jobs

Posted on April 10, 2016

New incentives are creating Rhode Island construction jobs. The Rhode Island Commerce Corporation Board of Directors has approved several economic development incentives to spur business growth, construction projects and job creation. Among the projects moving ahead are awards under the Main Street RI Streetscape Improvement Fund, the Innovation Network Matching Grant program and the Rebuild Rhode […]

Projects create construction jobs in Rhode Island

Posted on March 31, 2016

A bevy of new projects are creating construction jobs in Rhode Island. Among the projects moving ahead are awards under the Main Street RI Streetscape Improvement Fund, the Innovation Network Matching Grant program and the Rebuild Rhode Island tax credit program. These tools were passed as part of Raimondo’s 2016 budget in partnership with the […]

Campaign builds Rhode Island tourism jobs

Posted on March 31, 2016

A new campaign is bolstering Rhode Island tourism jobs. Rhode Island has a new integrated tourism and business-attraction campaign. This statewide strategic campaign is designed to supercharge Rhode Island’s economic engine and put Rhode Islanders back to work. This integrated effort strengthens Rhode Island’s commitment to tourism and business attraction, thanks to budget funding proposed by […]

State creates Rhode Island jobs

Posted on February 9, 2016

A new jobs plan is helping create Rhode Island jobs. Rhode Island created more than 8,000 jobs last year, the most created in a single year since 2000, and our unemployment rate fell more than any other state in the nation. The Governor’s proposal seeks to build on that progress by making significant investments in […]

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