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Retail jobs in Rhode Island decline

Posted on April 4, 2019

The number of retail jobs in Rhode Island has decreased, according to recent labor statistics. In January, the number of Rhode Island-based jobs totaled 496,000, a decrease of 1,700 jobs from the revised December job count of 497,700. Since January 2018, jobs in the state are up 2,400. In January, a loss of 1,300 jobs […]

Education jobs in Rhode Island climb

Posted on April 4, 2019

The number of education jobs in Rhode Island are climbing, according to recent labor statistics. Tthe state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for February 2019 was 3.9 percent, down one-tenth of a percentage point from the January rate. Over the year, the unemployment rate is down four-tenths of a percentage point from the February 2018 rate of […]

Funding strengthens arts jobs in Rhode Island

Posted on March 5, 2019

A round of funding is going towards arts jobs in Rhode Island. The National Endowment for the Arts announced that it has awarded grants totaling $145,000 to seven arts organizations and agencies in Rhode Island. These federal grants support projects by some of Rhode Island’s major arts institutions. In addition, the Endowment works in partnership […]

Challenge bolsters more entrepreneur jobs in Rhode Island

Posted on March 5, 2019

A new challenge is connecting high schoolers with entrepreneur jobs in Rhode Island. Rhode Island’s second annual Lt. Governor’s Entrepreneurship Challenge, a business pitch competition that encourages high school students to compete for $10,000 in post-secondary scholarships, has launched. Last year, over 55 students from 18 schools across Rhode Island participated in the Challenge and […]

Grants boost Rhode Island jobs

Posted on March 5, 2019

A number of new grants will go towards strengthening Rhode Island jobs. The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) reminds local farm and food businesses that $270,000 in grant funding is available to support small businesses and increase the competitiveness of local products in the marketplace. The funding is part of the Local Agriculture […]

Order to affect Rhode Island healthcare jobs

Posted on February 6, 2019

A new order regarding healthcare growth will directly affect Rhode Island healthcare jobs. An executive order establishing an official target for health care spending growth in Rhode Island: 3.2% annual growth through 2022. This is the latest step in the Governor’s ongoing efforts to control health care costs for taxpayers, businesses and patients. Under Governor […]

Healthcare jobs in Rhode Island grow

Posted on February 6, 2019

A number of healthcare jobs in Rhode Island have grown, according to recent labor statistics. In December, the number of Rhode Island-based jobs totaled 505,000, an increase of 2,200 jobs from the revised November job count of 502,800. Rhode Island has averaged a gain of 800 jobs over the past three months and has 7,100 […]

Education jobs in Rhode Island added

Posted on February 5, 2019

A number of education jobs in Rhode Island have been added, according to recent labor statistics. In December, the number of Rhode Island-based jobs totaled 505,000, an increase of 2,200 jobs from the revised November job count of 502,800. Rhode Island has averaged a gain of 800 jobs over the past three months and has […]

Rhode Island unemployment remains low

Posted on January 7, 2019

For the third consecutive month, Rhode Island’s unemployment rate has remained under 4 percent. Rhode Island’s unemployment rate currently stands at 3.8 percent — its lowest since May 1989 — according to data released by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. The data also shows that Rhode Island had 502,700 jobs in […]

Unemployment rate in Rhode Island holds steady

Posted on January 7, 2019

Labor statistics posit that the unemployment rate in Rhode Island has remained unchanged. The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment ratefor November 2018 was 3.8 percent, unchanged from the October rate. Over the year, the unemployment rate is down seven-tenths of a percentage point from the November 2017 rate of 4.5 percent. The number of Rhode Island-based jobs totaled 502,700, […]

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